School Library Journal's Best Books 2008 list includes The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. I really liked this story. It's a dark tale of a future civilization where each year two "tributes," one boy and one girl from each of 12 districts, are chosen to compete in the Hunger Games. These games are sort of a cross between the Olympics and gladiator battles. The twelve kids are placed in an enclosed arena and have to fight to the death. The Gamemakers manipulate the weather and generally create brutal challenges for the players, all in an effort to make the show more entertaining for the viewing audience. I found myself wondering why the kids didn't just refuse to participate, but the author makes it clear that this civilization is ruled by a brutal regime that would not hesitate to punish the kids' loved ones for their disobedience. This is a fast-paced thriller, with a little romance thrown in for good measure. I can't wait for the next book in the series!


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