The first two titles of Michael Scott's series, The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel, are The Alchemyst and The Magician. The third, due to be published this May, will be called The Sorceress. I have had The Magician on my "to read" list for many months, but when I finally started it I realized I needed to refresh my memory of The Alchemyst. I ended up re-reading most of that first book, and then reading The Magician. I'm glad I did because there is a lot to remember, and the story simply continues from one book to the next.

Scott is an Irish author who is an expert in mythology and folklore, and he seems to make good use of this knowledge when writing this series. The story of this wonderful fantasy is filled with characters from history, myth and legend, but the main characters are twins Sophie and Josh, who until a few days ago were just your average 15-year-olds working at summer jobs in San Francisco. It turns out that the bookstore where Josh works is owned by Nicholas Flamel, guardian of the book of Abraham the Mage. Unfortunately, there are many others who want to get their hands on this ancient and powerful book, and this conflict is at the heart of the many exciting and dangerous adventures in these books. I'm really looking forward to reading the third book!


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