Just As Long As We're Together, by Judy Blume, targets a specific audience (middle school girls), giving them a story about girls their own age who experience typical problems and life events. I was aware that some of Judy Blume's books have been banned but had never read anything of hers except Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and the Fudge books. Just As Long As We're Together is quite different from that series! It was written in the 1980's, as the references to VCRs and jazzercise videos show, but adolescent girls have long been swooning over cute boys and worrying about getting their period for the first time, so I think most girls will still be able to relate to Stephanie, Rachel, and Alison's dramas. I doubt if I'll read many more of this type of story because it's just not my cup of tea, but I can certainly see why Judy Blume's books have remained on the shelves for so long, despite so many protests from well-meaning adults who think young girls should be shielded from any and all references to sex. I did not have Judy Blume books to read when I was 13, but I think I would have liked them very much if I had.


I still love Judy Blume. I think I read my copy of "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret" to tatters as a teenager. Without Judy I wouldn't have survived adolescence!

April 16, 2010 at 9:01 PM  

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