The Tiger Rising, by Kate DiCamillo was one I listened to in the car on the way to work and back. This is a short, sad book. The main character, Rob Horton, and his dad have moved to Florida after Rob's mother's death. Rob is plagued with a perisitent rash on his legs, and he is bullied at school. Both Rob and his dad are still grieving over their recent loss, and Rob's dad refuses to talk about it. He goes so far as to not allow Rob to say his mother's name. One day Rob discovers a caged tiger behind the hotel where he and his dad are living. Rob and his new friend, Sistine, decide they want to free the tiger from its cage. The caged tiger clearly represents the unexpressed emotions that are eating away at Rob and his father. I wonder whether the 4th graders for whom this book was written will understand this, though.
I understand that this book takes on a difficult subject, and I think it does so beautifully. Some kids will relate and appreciate being able to read about characters who have problems similar to their own. However, it was not one of my favorites.
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