I have recently created a pathfinder for second grade series, and I decided to read a book from Patricia Reilly Giff's Zigzag Kids series. I chose Flying Feet, not realizing that it is the third in the series until after I had finished it. No matter, it was cute. The series seems to feature a different child at the school for each book, and for this story we read about Charlie, who is an inventor. Whenever he gets an idea for another invention, her feels a buzz in his head. Charlie's Flying Feet invention is a pair of sticky tennis shoes that are supposed to allow the wearer to easily climb up a wall. Unfortunately, this invention, like his last idea for a Breathe-Underwater Box, falls flat. Fortunately, Charlie find success elsewhere when he is able to help the school janitor clean up a big pile of junk, as well as help the kids enjoy "come as a character" day.

It had been a long time since I had read any books written for this young audience, but I do remember the Magic Tree House and Bailey School Kids books well. I cannot say that I liked this book as well as those, but I would certaily recommend it. Kids should probably try to start the series with the first book, though!


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