I'm hoping that my 3 boys will agree to create this blog with me, so I have posted one of their favorite pictures. These puppets and stuffed animals play a big role in our lives as imaginary friends and fiends (watch out for the monkey and those pesky devil ducks).

Oh, there is one more character who plays a prominent role in the stories told around our house, and his name is Bob. He's another one to avoid at all costs. So stay tuned for more about the Hug-a-Ducks, Devil Ducks, and (the bane of my existence right now) BOB!


Isn't your husband named BOB?... ]

Welcome to the blogosphere!


August 31, 2007 at 2:23 PM  

Cool Blog!! Loved the pictures, but who is Molly? Did you guys get a dog? Or is it a neighbors? Love the title too.

Thanks for sharing : )

August 31, 2007 at 9:42 PM  

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