Today, Nathan wants to tell you a little about Hug-a-Ducks:

The Hug-a-Duck species is very special because all Hug-a-Ducks are motivated by love. They love everything and everybody in the entire universe, without exception, as well as things that aren’t in the universe.

Why, Hug-a-Ducks even love BOB!

They think he just needs another chance to prove that he has good in him. They think that everyone has a good side (even though Bob killed his good side). Hug-a-Ducks trust everything they hear, and unfortunately can become confused and tricked with sarcasm and lies.

Hug-a-Ducks are also very generous, so Cunning Humans try to scam them out of any wealth they have obtained. It is officially against the law to take advantage of a Hug-a-Duck’s generous and trusting nature.

As they are so named, Hug-a-Ducks love to hug people. The power of Hug-a-Duck love can heal any wound or injury in seconds. Hug-a-Ducks also use the power of love to power certain machines like the Hug-a-Duck heart mobiles that they drive like cars. They can also summon hearts of pure love to send to other people, like when someone sends an air kiss to another person.

Hug-a-Ducks hatch from golden eggs (they aren’t really gold, it just looks like gold). It takes ten years for a Hug-a-Duck to reach maturity. The average Hug-a-Duck lifespan is 50 years. When a Hug-a-Duck’s life is over, they disappear and leave nothing but their feathers. Hug-a-Duck feathers are extremely soft and comfortable, so they are used for fancy clothes and beds.


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