Jean Ferris, primarily known as a young adult author, has also written four funny, lighthearted novels that are great for any age: Love Among the Walnuts, Much Ado About Grubstake, Once Upon a Marigold, and, this year, Twice Upon a Marigold. I just finished Twice Upon a Marigold and found it to be just as much fun as the other three books.

In Once Upon a Marigold, Ed the troll finds Christian lost in the forest, brings him home, and raises him on his own, the two of them living in Ed’s cave with two dogs named Bub and Cate. When Christian becomes a man, however, he decides to go out into the world to experience more of life – but also to try to meet in person Princess Marigold, with whom he has been communicating by carrier pigeon (“p-mail”) for about a year. Christian gets a job at the castle and soon learns of Queen Olympia’s evil plan to kill Marigold and King Swithbert so that she can be the sole ruler of the kingdom. In the end, it appears that Olympia has been taken care of and everyone can live happily ever after, but in Twice Upon a Marigold we learn that this is not necessarily so. I was delighted to be able to read more about these characters. Lots of fun! I definitely recommend all four of these wise and funny books.


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