According to the cover flap for Eye of the Crow, the first book in The Boy Sherlock Holmes series, author Shane Peacock is fascinated with Sherlock Holmes and wanted to create a background story about Holmes' childhood.
This is just my type of book: a mystery/detective story set in the London of Sherlock Holmes and Charles Dickens. In this story, Sherlock is 13 years old, and he becomes involved in solving a murder because he believes the man the police have arrested is innocent. He is soon in over his head, because his contact with the condemned man causes the police to suspect him as well. He is arrested but escapes. Then he must solve the crime not only to save the innocent man still in jail but also to save himself. In this story, Peacock has created complex, colorful characters. I especially like Malefactor, the leader of a gang of homeless boys. There is also plenty of excitement to keep the pages turning, such as when Sherlock breaks into the homes of suspected murderers by sliding down their chimneys. I look forward to reading more about young Sherlock!


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