In The True Adventures of Charley Darwin, by Carolyn Meyer, readers hear the story of Charles Darwin's early years, told in novel form from his own perspective. This book is part seafaring adventure, because much of the story is devoted to describing his adventures aboard the HMS Beagle, circumnavigating the globe and gathering the animal and plant specimens that would help him develop his theory of natural selection, and later write his books. We also hear of the horrible school he attended as a boy in Shrewsbury, England, and a little about how he got together with his wife, Emma, a girl he had known all his life before they married. I found this book interesting and educational, but I think the audience for it among younger readers might be limited. It's a serious book, and only a small portion is devoted to Charley as a boy. Still, I would recommend it to middle schoolers who are avid, serious readers.


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