I enjoyed listening to Zen and the Art of Faking It, by Jordan Sonnenblick. The main character, San Lee, moves to a new city and new school for 8th grade. He has moved many times, and each time he seems to find a new identity for himself. This time he pretends to be a Zen master, even though he has to go to the library to research Zen Buddhism in order to pull it off. He really likes a girl named Woodie at his new school. She plays her guitar during lunchtime and donates the change kids give her to a soup kitchen where she volunteers. The story is in some ways a typical school story, complete with bullies, nerds, etc. But, happily, the characters in this story turn out to be complex and interesting and fun to read (listen) about. I recommend this one, and I will definitely want to read more by this author.


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